Anchor In.
Drop your anchor... stay awhile.
We are a personalized training program that focuses on strength & functional fitness for women.
You create the goal, anchor in with us and we help you navigate the current.
ready to be #strongaf? … let’s go.

it’s time to anchor in.
Schedule your first training session with Anchor Fitness , because WHY NOT?
NEW CLIENTS - Click here to fill out the AF New Client Intake Form before scheduling.
Training Options
one on one.
This option allows us to focus on JUST you! What are YOUR goals? … We got you.
Group Sesh w/ Pals.
Strength training with friends, say what? This works great with 2-8 . This type of session will still focus on strength training through circuits. The price point goes down allowing for you to get more sessions in a week. This is also a great option for those who need accountability partners.
4 or 8 week programs tailored to your gym, your equipment, time & days a week needed to attain your goals. A few touch bases, written format, options to meet if needed. Also discussing nutrition is key in this process.
pre & Postnatal.
This option is the same as a one-on-one session but with focus on your pregnancy health, along with postpartum guidance
about anchor fitness
Fitness is my passion, it’s my WHY… at a young age I learned what it felt like to be positively coached, pushed beyond my ceiling and the rush of endorphins. I quickly became addicted to that feeling and lifestyle. My goal is to help you find your happy in being active and healthy…after all, we have one body to take care of. Wanna know more? Come sweat with me.
hit me up.
Not going to lie social or text is fastest response!
anchorfitnesspke@gmail.com • 414.841.4615